
Believing that peace begins within, PSI Seminars creator & co-founder, Thomas D. Willhite, acted on his vision for “World Peace, One Mind at a Time” by developing the philosophies and classes of PSI Seminars.

For the very first time, we’re opening The Vault and sharing with you a full collection of video recordings of Tom Willhite revealing the blueprint for personal success.

Volume I

  • “I Am”
  • Being Positive in a Negative World
  • The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
  • The Red Baron
  • PSI 10 Year Anniversary Speech

Volume II

  • To Think is to Create
  • Advanced Screen of the Mind
  • Realm of Meaning, Realm of Now
  • Casework
  • Communication

In this 10-disc DVD set, you’ll get to experience the man behind the philosophy as he shares the blueprint for life success - developed over many generations of leaders and now all in one place for you!